Music on Hold

We provide a selection of different music on hold collections for you. All of the music we have preloaded onto babblevoice is either royalty free or provided with kind permission from the copyright holder so you don’t have to worry about getting permission. Classical Guitar This is the original music on hold we provided. These files are part of the Freeswitch open source project and are provided under the MPL license.

Conference Room

Intro A conference room can be set up in babblevoice and can be accessed 2 different ways, either internally, or externally (where someone dials in not using a babblevoice phone i.e. using their mobile). Setting up an Internal Conference Room When dialling from an internal phone you will need to set up a rule to send the call to the conference room: Sign in to the babblevoice console Select the Rules tab Select New Choose the option ‘When a call comes in for 123…’ Click on the ‘123’ and input the number you wish to dial from your internal phone (e.

Call Costs

Call Costs This page gives you further information regarding the costs of calls within babblevoice. The cost of calls from babblevoice are billed per second which saves you a significant amount and the prices listed are in pence per minute, excluding VAT. Listed below are the most popular prices (per pence per minute exclusive VAT) from our standard tariff. The prices listed are typical for the destination and may vary. There is a minimum charge of 1.


Costs So, if you have made your way onto this page, you are wanting to see which items do incur costs. The table below shows the prices for these items (please note if you have purchased babblevoice through a reseller prices may vary). Do remember these services can be changed as and when you require… Our call rates can be viewed on our Call Costs doc. Product Price Single Phone numbers £4 per month Block of 5 Phone numbers £13.