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Android Phones


Counterpath is a long standing softphone provider and have produced a softphone for all devices called Bria. It does come at a cost but further details can be found on the Counterpath website.

To install, in the market place search for bria and install!

To configure

  • Select more->Accounts
  • Add account
  • Account name: something recognisable for example "babblevoice"
  • Display name: again, something recognisable but about you, this will become your internal callid, so for example your name
  • Username: the username from babble device setting for example "1000"
  • Password: the password from the babble device setting
  • Domain: your babblevoice domain for example ""
  • Outbound Proxy: leave blank
  • Authorization Name: the username from babble device setting for example "1000"

Save and when you are back on the accounts screen select the Phone tab and you will now be able to make and receive calls.