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Guide - replace a phone with VLANS

If you are here, hopefully you have already identified that you are using VLANS.

For the first step in replacing your phone then you need to get the VLAN ID from your existing phone (or another babblevoice phone) by following the steps below:

  1. On the base unit of the phone, press the menu button.
  2. Scroll to Settings and select.
  3. Select advanced on the next screen.
  4. Enter the admin password - a new unused Polycom phone will be 456, for an existing phone it can be found from the babblevoice console: i. Go to and sign in to the console. ii. Click on devices. iii. Select the device (phone!) that you are accessing. iv. Click on Edit. v. Select the Polycom tab and you can see the password to enter on the base station of the phone.
  5. Select Admin Settings.
  6. Select Network Config.
  7. Select Ethernet.
  8. Select VLAN menu.

This will now show you the VLAN ID. You need to keep a note of this ID as you need to input it into your new phone.

ZTP now needs to be enabled in the babblevoice console for your new phone:

  1. Go to and login.
  2. Click on devices.
  3. Select the device (or phone!) that you are replacing.
  4. Click edit.
  5. Click the ZTP tab.
  6. The serial number (MAC address) of the old phone then needs to be removed, by clicking the x button.
  7. Now you can enter the serial number of the new phone - this is found on the bottom/back of the base unit of your new phone.
  8. Click save and close.

Now you should start your new phone by plugging the network cable into the wall port.

It is at this point you will need to input your VLAN ID into the new phone by using the following steps:

  1. On the base unit of the new phone, press the menu button.
  2. Scroll to Settings and select.
  3. Select Advanced on the next screen.
  4. Enter the admin password (a new unused Polycom phone will be 456).
  5. Select Admin settings.
  6. Select Ethernet.
  7. Select VLAN menu & then input your VLAN ID.

As a last step, you need to ensure ZTP is enabled on your new phone using the following steps:

  1. On the base station, press the Menu button.
  2. Scroll to Settings and select.
  3. Select Advanced.
  4. Enter the admin password (a new unused Polycom phone will be 456).
  5. Select Admin Settings.
  6. Select Network Config.
  7. Select Provisioning Server.
  8. Scroll to the bottom and enable ZTP if it is not already.

Now plug your phone into your pc.

Your new phone should now be up and running. If you have any problems or queries during this process then please contact us and we will help you with it.