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Statistics Vibe Data Details


We call them devices as they can represent servers as well as phones. Most users reading this document will be using them as phones, so for the purpose Vibes, consider a device a phone.

So, to get this straight in your head, imagine the phone on your desk. All the statistics based in this section are to do with the actions of using a phone - picking up a call, making a call and so on. On a device report You can create a report based on:

  • All calls
  • Calls made
  • Calls answered
  • Calls received
  • Call spend

Each report has then sub items which are based on the first choice. So for example, most items contain a count by hour sub choice. So if you want to know how many calls were answered you have to choose Calls answered, then "count by hour".

For the purposes of a phone, ringing could mean the phone itself ringing, or the phone has made a call and the phone it called is ringing.

With the devices report all the sections, except call spend, have the same sub reports, they are (each item can be viewed by hour or by day):

Bill Seconds Bill seconds doesn't specifically refer to time on the phone that you might receive a bill for. It means the time the call is connected - so historically may have received a bill for.
Duration Seconds Duration of a phone call is from the start of dialling through to hanging up - so the ringing section and the talking section.
Call Count The number of calls in that period - so 10 calls in the hour.
Average Bill Seconds The average length of time the phone is connected to another call. Measured in seconds.
Average Duration The average length of time the phone is on a call, this is the sum of the ringing time and the connected time. Measured in seconds.
Ringing Seconds The sum of the ringing time for the phone.
Average Ringing Seconds The average amount of time the phone rang for the period.
Max Call Spend The value of the most expensive call for the period.
Total Call Spend The total call spend for the period.


Numbers are phone numbers you rent through babblevoice. Just the main phone numbers your customer calls. It can report on similar things to devices, but data is collected when similar actions are performed on your phone number (i.e. when someone calls it).

The following reports are available:

  • Inbound calls
  • Inbound AND answered calls
  • Outbound calls made

Each report has the following sub reports available:

Bill Seconds The total number of seconds of talk time for this number.
Duration Seconds The total number of seconds of ringing time plus talk time for this number.
Call Count The call count for this period.
Average Bill Seconds The average (mean) length of a call - for the talk time during this period.
Average Duration The average (mean) duration - ringing plus talk time - of a call during this period.
Ringing Seconds The total sum of all ringing time of all calls for this period.
Average Ringing Seconds The mean of all ringing time of all calls for this period.
Actual Ringing Seconds The sum of all ringing time for this period.
Actual Average Ringing Seconds The mean of all calls for ringing for this period.
Max Spend The highest cost of call for this period.
Spend The total spend for this period.


Queues have 3 reports available:

  • All Calls
  • Answered Calls
  • Abandoned Calls

The sub-reports available for these 3 subtypes vary.

All Calls Sub-Reports

Max Members Currently unused and present for future development. A member is an on-hook agent ready to have calls dropped through to them.
Max Consumers Max number of consumers - phones ready to take calls for calls in the call queue.
Max Callers The maximum number of callers in the queue during this period (waiting plus talking).
Max Waiting The maximum number of calls waiting in the queue during this period.
Max Bridges Bridges mean calls bridged to an agent. So agents having to talk on active calls. This is the maximum of bridged calls during that period.
Count The total number of calls that hit this queue for that period.
Min Members The lowest number of members during this period. Also currently unused - see the comments above.
Min Consumers The lowest number of consumers for this period.
Mean Callers The average number of callers for the period. This s the average of the number of callers in the queue taken every time a call enters this data collection.
Mean Waiting The same as mean callers, but for waiting.
Mean Bridges The same as mean callers, but for bridges - i.e. connected calls.

Answered Calls Sub-Reports

Max Waiting The maximum waiting time for all calls which gets answered from this queue.
Max Bridge The maximum talk time for all calls which gets answered from this queue.
Min Wait The minimum wait time for all calls which gets answered from this queue.
Min Bridge The minimum talk time of calls which gets answered from this queue.
Mean Wait The average wait time of all the calls for the defined period.
Mean Bridge The average talk time of all the calls for the defined period.
Sum Wait The total time waiting of all the calls which go through this queue then gets answered.
Sum Bridge The total time of all the talk time of all calls which go through this queue then gets answered.
Count The number of calls which go through the queue which then get answered.

Abandoned Calls Sub-Reports

Max Wait The maximum wait time for a call during the defined period.
Min Wait The minimum wait time for the defined period.
Mean Wait The mean wait time during that period.
Sum Wait The total wait time across all calls for that period.
Count The number of abandoned calls for the defined period.

Auto Attendants

When a call comes into babblevoice, if the call rule is configured to 'jump' to another extension this is known as an Auto Attendant. When we make the jump we store a count of this happening and this is available in this Vibe. It is useful for to see which parts of your Auto Attendant are being used. Two reports are available for Auto Attendant:

  • Count per hour
  • Count per day

Call Cost

Use this Vibe to manage your call costs.

Call Lists Tags

We record whenever a call list item with a tag is added to babblevoice. Using the Call List Tags statistics option, you can see detailed data on how many call list items are being added and at what times. To use this option, select a domain and all the tags you'd like to track, then choose a report type.

Two reports are available for Call List Tags:

  • Count per hour
  • Count per day